Global Healthcare Foundation

Providing care with compassion

Project Grama

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A 10 Bed ICU for  Emergency Care for the Rural Poor

•In 2007 a group of six young medical  graduates from Osmania Medical College Hyderabad founded YAGNA , an NGO to offer holistic education,  free food and housing to destitute children and affordable healthcare to the rural poor and underprivileged.

•YAGNA began what was  an improbable mission with nearly no resources  but armed with passion and commitment to serve.

•Yagna leased from Maa Sharda Hospital facilities to provide for Covid Care and other healthcare services to Vikarabad district for nominal fees. In these rural areas many lives are lost every year owing due to lack of adequate emergency services,curative, preventive and diagnostic medical care to cater to around 200,000 local population most of whom are in the low-income group.

YAGNA foundation put forth a request for help to build a 10 bed ICU, in order to provide affordable emergency care to the rural poor.